Want to get the most out of your PHOOZY this winter and overcome that frozen phone? We asked our team of professional skiers and snowboarders how they used their PHOOZY to keep their phones and accessories extra protected. Check out what the pros had to say…

Tip #1. Keep Your PHOOZY in an inner jacket or pant's pocket. 

When it’s extremely cold or windy, the athletes recommend placing your PHOOZY in a base layer pocket for added protection against wind-chill. Professional snowboarder and PHOOZY athlete Chris Rogers says, "I keep my Apollo II Series Thermal Capsule in my inner jacket pocket and my iPhone 11 stays powered up all day long, even in crazy cold conditions. I keep it in my inner jacket pocket because it is thin, it's protected from the wind and it's easily accessible."

Inserting iPhone 11Pro into PHOOZY Apollo II Series Thermal Capsule

Tip #2. Limit the amount of time you use your phone outside of your PHOOZY.

Phones are made from highly conductive materials (stainless steel, aluminum, etc.) to help with their performance in normal conditions, however, once the mercury drops below 32 degrees Fahrenheit, those materials make your phone turn into an icicle in a very short period of time. To combat this, limit the amount of time your phone is outside of your Thermal Capsule. PHOOZY athlete Zach Berman says, "If I have to take my phone out of my XP3 Series Thermal Capsule while on the lift, I use it to shield the back of my phone from the wind.  It's a great little hack to keep your phone from getting cold quick when it's outside of the Capsule."  When your phone is outside of your PHOOZY, shield it from wind as well, because wind chill happens.  

Tip #3. Use Your PHOOZY For Your GoPro Batteries and Power Banks.

We have all been there...you are stoked to capture the most epic run of the day, you get your GoPro ready, you go full send and then at the end of your run you go to check your footage and realize your batteries are cold and dead.  "I use an Apollo Series Thermal Capsule to store my GoPro batteries in while I'm skiing in the back country so that I know they are always ready to capture those epic backcountry laps." said PHOOZY athlete and professional freeskier, Bryan Finocchario. PHOOZY Thermal Capsules are a great way to preserve the power stored in your GoPro batteries and your power banks so you that always have power when you need it most.


While these are just a few tips from some of the best skiers and snowboarders in the world, we love hearing from our PHOOZY Family.  We would love to hear how you use your PHOOZY and the stories behind it. Have a story you want to share? Email us at here to have your story featured.  

November 26, 2020

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