Forbes - Brad Moon - January 2020

I charged my iPad Mini to 50%, sealed it in a plastic bag, and left it outside for exactly one hour. When I brought it back in, the poor iPad was ice-cold to the touch. It appeared effectively dead. It was only after warming up at room temperature for 15 minutes before it was operational enough to display the temperature warnings screen indicating a dead battery and an immediate need to charge. After being plugged into the charger for 15 minutes, the tablet finally returned to life. After exposure to the cold, it had been completely unusable for for half an hour, and had lost several percentage points of its charge.

I then repeated the experiment, but this time zipped the iPad into the PHOOZY capsule. This time, at the one hour mark the tablet was cool to the touch but fully operational. No downtime whatsoever. The battery remained at the same charge level.

In addition to protection from the cold, I’ve also confirmed with hands-on testing that PHOOZY products live up to claims for protection from heat, impact protection, water resistance and even their ability to float with a device inside.

Read the full review here.

February 03, 2020

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