Protect Your Device No Matter The Weather with the Phoozy Insulated Tablet and Laptop Case - PHOOZY

Protect Your Device No Matter The Weather with the Phoozy Insulated Tablet and Laptop Case

There are many features to the insulated tablet and laptop case from PHOOZY that make it perfect for people everywhere.
February 14, 2022 — Andrea Fenton
"PHOOZY for Tablets / Laptops is a 10 out of 10" - Mac Sources, August 2019 - PHOOZY

"PHOOZY for Tablets / Laptops is a 10 out of 10" - Mac Sources, August 2019

A space-age solution to storing your tablet or laptop. The Tablet Capsule is easy to carry around and looks pretty cool, too. I think this is a good investment for the safety of your tablet (or laptop).
August 16, 2019 — josh inglis