FREESKIER gives PHOOZY "Two Big Thumbs Up!" - July 2018 - PHOOZY

FREESKIER gives PHOOZY "Two Big Thumbs Up!" - July 2018

In summer or winter, the PHOOZY will protect your phone and ensure the battery stays charged longer. This product comes with two big thumbs up from the team at FREESKIER.
August 01, 2018 — Cannonball Technology Collaborator
"The PHOOZY Increased Battery Life on the Lake" - Hunting Life, July 2018 - PHOOZY

"The PHOOZY Increased Battery Life on the Lake" - Hunting Life, July 2018

Hunting Life reviews the XP3 in Realtree Fishing and finds that the PHOOZY increased their battery life while out on the lake.
July 28, 2018 — josh inglis
How Summer Heat Can Hurt Your Smartphone - PHOOZY

How Summer Heat Can Hurt Your Smartphone

People are not the only ones that suffer when summer temperatures start to climb. Your smartphone, too, can heat up. The outdoor air temperatures affect the heat of your phone. While you expect your phone to operate as expected, your phone will perform differently.
July 15, 2018 — Cannonball Technology Collaborator


Fact: Several hours spent in a treestand with air temps in the single digits can rob your phone of battery power and leave you unable to call for help in case of an emergency. Not good. Likewise, summer days spent soaking up the sun on the beach or in a boat can be tough on smartphones, causing higher battery consumption and overheating.
June 28, 2018 — josh inglis
"The Best Gear For Your Summer Adventures" - Forbes, June 2018 - PHOOZY

"The Best Gear For Your Summer Adventures" - Forbes, June 2018

If you find your summer adventures taking you to what might seem like the depths of hell, don’t make your phone suffer just because you are. Thanks to Phoozy, you can now protect your mobile phone from extreme temperatures (on either end of the scale).
June 07, 2018 — josh inglis
Too Hot to Handle: Nine Reasons Why Your Smartphone Is Overheating - PHOOZY

Too Hot to Handle: Nine Reasons Why Your Smartphone Is Overheating

If you notice your smartphone is heating up and getting too hot to handle, there can be several different causes for this type of problem. Regardless of the brand of phone, you want to find out why your phone is running hot and what you can do to potentially fix the problem.

June 01, 2018 — Cannonball Technology Collaborator
PHOOZY partners with Realtree for the all-new XP3 Series for Smartphones - PHOOZY

PHOOZY partners with Realtree for the all-new XP3 Series for Smartphones

The all new PHOOZY XP3 Series, the first in the industry to provide thermal, drop and float protection for mobile devices in Realtree EDGE™ and Realtree Fishing™ camo, coming this spring, is the ultimate smartphone protection for hardcore hunters, anglers and outdoorsmen.
January 23, 2018 — Kevin Conway
“Best High-Tech Ski Gear for 2018" - CNET, December 2017 - PHOOZY

“Best High-Tech Ski Gear for 2018" - CNET, December 2017

When your phone gets too cold its battery drains faster and if it's really cold, it might even shut off.  That's where the Phoozy ($30) comes in.
January 08, 2018 — Kevin Conway
"10 Essential Adventure Travel Accessories" – Conde Nast, December 2017 - PHOOZY

"10 Essential Adventure Travel Accessories" – Conde Nast, December 2017

On a hot summer day in some states, your phone will overheat in the car alone; in New York City winters, it'll shut down with no warning because it's too cold..
January 08, 2018 — Kevin Conway
Stress Tested Mission-Critical Gear For When The Mercury Drops - PHOOZY

Stress Tested Mission-Critical Gear For When The Mercury Drops

Check out all of the "Stress Tested Mission-Critical Gear For When the Mercury Drops" in the January/February 2018 issue of Outside Magazine.
January 08, 2018 — Kevin Conway
Meet the Founders - PHOOZY

Meet the Founders

While the PHOOZY protects your smartphone with real rocket science, it was born from two guys that wanted to create a solution to a real problem - staying connected while living out their passions in the extreme cold of the highest peaks to the scorching sun of the South Pacific ocean.
January 01, 2018 — Kevin Conway

PHOOZY Launches Solid GOLD

You asked, and we listened.  You wanted gold.  You wanted a bigger PHOOZY.  The wait is over, introducing the Gold Edition PHOOZY Thermal Capsule, available in Plus and new XL size.
December 11, 2017 — Kevin Conway